Author Topic: Repaint Tool Cessna 182RG  (Read 5606 times)


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Repaint Tool Cessna 182RG
« on: December 06, 2020, 06:06:00 PM »
Hello Morten, not to pester again, but a small question similar to my last post. 

When generating paints for the HTAI Cessna 182RG, I note that the One Click Repaint Tool generates the file as    When I moved the paint into the sim to check the paint, I note that the texture files are listed as    As soon as I rename the file, it shows up correctly.   

My question is, should the repaint tool be saving the file as

Thanks, as always



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Re: Repaint Tool Cessna 182RG
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2020, 08:22:53 PM »
Hi John,

Yes it appears it should I'm guessing it is the same for 172 as well.
However, unlike the 170B, this is not a straightforward fix. I'll have to think about how to fix this. In the meantime you would need to manually rename the file names.