Author Topic: All repaints I made using OCR - with original UNSAVED text elements.  (Read 14438 times)


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Re: All repaints I made using OCR - with original UNSAVED text elements.
« Reply #10 on: August 05, 2023, 08:20:59 PM »
I am a very bad repainter with not a lot of time. I am very gratefull that a such tool exists which makes it possible to fly around between some real life look-a-likes. With most recent changes it will be even more than just look-a-likes. Thank you very much !


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Re: All repaints I made using OCR - with original UNSAVED text elements.
« Reply #11 on: August 06, 2023, 07:32:03 AM »
It took a bit less work than expected so here is a nice addition to the text elements...

I think the colour picker this is just a functionality that as been removed in a browser update. Even though I can add to the palette, it doesn't remember it in Firefox. I use Chrome as my main browser and there the functionality to add to palette has been removed entirely.

I can see that nice text addition getting some use over the course of time!

I guess that with Chrome at least the temptation to try the pallete option is taken away. Now and then I look to see whether the functionality has come back in Firefox, knowing fairly well that it won't come back.

Would it be a simple addition, while I'm here, to allow a user to right-click on a texture and get the coordinates of that point? I spend quite a lot of the time nudging elements back and forth until they are broadly in the right place and sometimes get the coordinates badly wrong. It would be quite a handy shortcut to right-click on the tail of a Cessna 172 for example, to get a ballpark position for the Cessna logo, and I can them enter those coordinates to get a head start on putting it in the right place.

For example, to enter text on a C172 fuselage the coordinates might be -440,-8, but on the upper tailplane they will be more like 230,-198, and if entering text on the other side of the tailplane the numbers might be something like -608,250 or something like that. So a shortcut right-click (or similar) to get a broad idea would be some help. I certainly don't want you to end up with a repainter tool that can only be operated by rocket scientists that have read a 1000-page manual, but that is something that might mean people with short moments of time can turn around a usable paint.


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Re: All repaints I made using OCR - with original UNSAVED text elements.
« Reply #12 on: August 06, 2023, 09:38:52 PM »
I have added a right-click option to get the offset for the spot you click.

The offset given depends on the active form/tab and on some settings on some forms/tabs

For the Registrations form, the following options affect the offsets given:
Position - changes to this are affected after clicking the Update button
Click to offset - changes to this are immediate after changing the value. If changing the value to none, the offsets are not affected

For the Elements form:
Section - changes to this are immediate after changing the value

Right-clicking the image on the Elements form, before selecting Text or the graphics to add, will bring up a context menu in the browser. I do not know how I can disable this without changing too much.

For all other forms/tabs:
Offset is calculated as if Position and Click to offset values are set to their default.

To remove the offset information popup, either left or right-click in the image.


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Re: All repaints I made using OCR - with original UNSAVED text elements.
« Reply #13 on: August 08, 2023, 09:21:28 AM »
That's a major productivity booster, getting the coordinates auto-entered. It easily halves the number of steps I generally use to get elements positioned, so, a big thank you from here. There might still be the occasional micro-adjustment to make, but I can now get right to the correct place on the first try.

I really hope people can feel encouraged to give it a go, now that a lot has been taken off the learning curve.