Author Topic: Four Falcons for Air Nunavut  (Read 1309 times)


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Four Falcons for Air Nunavut
« on: September 06, 2022, 10:01:42 AM »
Two Falcon 10s and two Falcon 20s for Air Nunavut. Based at Oshawa (CYOO). There are 52-week plans in here. The generator didn't get the aircraft visiting Europe within the 52 weeks, so I ran off 1000 sets and there were 7 weeks where visits to Europe came up. These are available as substitution sets to add to the main lot of plans (overwriting the existing weeks) if you want at least a few visits to Europe over the year. The planner bases the next destination choice on range, and to visit Europe these shorter range aircraft would need to make a hop. For a semi-random choice of destination this makes such trips unusual.

If you just want to have them operating for a single week, you can pick a plan from the 52 available. If you use one from the European set then obviously you're stuck with the unusual visitor to Edinburgh (for example) every week!


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Re: Four Falcons for Air Nunavut
« Reply #1 on: September 06, 2022, 07:36:22 PM »
Superb, thank you Mage!


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Re: Four Falcons for Air Nunavut
« Reply #2 on: September 06, 2022, 07:59:56 PM »
Matthew, you should link your paints to the specific plan, at least IMO.   Then users can put two and two together.   The Falcons are a nice add to the lone B200 I have for this. 

Thanks and great work!



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Re: Four Falcons for Air Nunavut
« Reply #3 on: September 07, 2022, 11:47:36 AM »
If you mean that the names in the repaint packages don't marry up with the ones in the flightplans, that might have happened as a result of a last minute change in one or the other and me thinking that I'd done it in both places.

Since I use my own 52-week system I never concern myself making an individual one week plan now, at least for suitable operators like charter services and fractional operators where diversity is IMO vital. I can get aircraft to favor certain pools of airports and make proportionately more visits there, but this tends to mean that any single week won't be ideal for all purposes.

I'll be using the system to get rid of oddities such as Mexican/Indian/Australian/South African bizjets that crop up every week in Geneva or Luton! Once a year vs every week.