Two Falcon 10s and two Falcon 20s for Air Nunavut. Based at Oshawa (CYOO). There are 52-week plans in here. The generator didn't get the aircraft visiting Europe within the 52 weeks, so I ran off 1000 sets and there were 7 weeks where visits to Europe came up. These are available as substitution sets to add to the main lot of plans (overwriting the existing weeks) if you want at least a few visits to Europe over the year. The planner bases the next destination choice on range, and to visit Europe these shorter range aircraft would need to make a hop. For a semi-random choice of destination this makes such trips unusual.
If you just want to have them operating for a single week, you can pick a plan from the 52 available. If you use one from the European set then obviously you're stuck with the unusual visitor to Edinburgh (for example) every week!