Author Topic: C210 Aero Rent HA-DRB  (Read 327 times)


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C210 Aero Rent HA-DRB
« on: April 06, 2024, 07:06:50 PM »

C210 operated by Aero Rent, HA-DRB, with radar pod. It appears to be based at Budaors (LHBS), close to Budapest. At least that is where Aero Rent's offices are closest to. Feel free to correct this info if you know better. A post on the thread will do just fine.

As you'll see from the mugshot, the aircraft has a deep drop-shadow effect on the registration that the repainter can't fully imitate. I've done what I can using the stock drop-shadow feature. I've made a modification that replicates the registration using "elements" (in silvery-grey) and displaced it down and to the left of the actual registration. The effect is more pronounced but is still not 100%. The drop shadow on the real aircraft slopes down and to the left whereas this is just a secnd copy of the reg placed under the original. is the second version.