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Topics - charlymorton

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 1171
General / AI modeller abbreviations
« on: January 10, 2024, 05:25:22 PM »
Below is a list of abbreviations for AI modellers

4GAAero Commander 500S 4GAMike Cronin
ACGBoeing B-17G Flying Fortress ACGAirfield Construction Group
AIABoeing B717 AIADavid Rawlins
AIGAirbus A330-200 GE AIGAlpha India Group
AIMBombardier CRJ200 AIMCharles Dayhuff
ANAIDiamond DA20 Katana ANAIAndras Neuman
ARAIConair Firecat ARAIAndré Richalet
BdBAISchempp-Hirth Duo Discus BdBAIBert de Bruin
BLAIQuad City Challenger II BLAILynn and Bill Lyons
CAAIAero Ae-145 CAAIMike Cronin
CalCBeechcraft Model 18 CalCCalclassic
CdTPAC Cresco CdTCharl du Toit
CEAIBeechcraft Skipper 77 CEAIChris Eve
CEFEvektor EV97 SportStar CEFUnknown
CIAFAero L-29 Delfin CIAFUnknown
CISAntonov An-24 CISSergey Bunevich
CJAIGrob G 109 CJAIChris Jones
CPAIConvair CV-580 CPAIChristian Page
DFAICessna Citation Bravo DFAIDavid Frostin
DJCBombardier Global Express 5000 DJCCraig Ritchie
DWAIBeechcraft King Air A100 DWAIDee Waldron
EDAFokker Dr.I EDAEDAviation - Bruno Blin
FAIBAirbus A318 CFM FAIBErez Weber
FMAIBritish Aerospace 146-100 FMAIFernando Martinez
FSPAirbus A320S Neo FSPMitsushi Yutaka
FSPXAirbus Beluga XL FSPXMitsushi Yutaka
GAIAntonov An-124 GAIAndrew Hall
HTAIBeechcraft 1900C HTAIHenry Tomkiewicz
JAIBeechcraft Model 18 JAIJake Burrus
JBAIBombardier Challenger 600 6013A JBAIKelly Freeman
JHAIIlyushin Il-18D JHAIJohn Hinson
JMAIDouglas C-118B Liftmaster JMAI Jake Burrus and Michael Pearson
JTAIPilatus PC-6 H2 JTAIJohn Tennent
JYAIAgustaWestland AW139 JYAIJohn Young
KBAIBeechcraft Baron 55 KBAIKlaus Brosemann
KCAIBombardier Challenger 300 KCAIKen Carson
KFAIBell 212 KFAIK. Furuya
KRAISaab JAS 39BD Gripen KRAIWeescotty
LHAIde Havilland Canada DHC-2 Beaver Floats LHAILars Hoyer
LHCAIJabiru 2 LHCAILionheart Creations
MaximAntonov An-38 MaximMakc-Sim
MBAICessna Citation I LW MBAIMorten Blindheim
MFAILet L-410 MFAIMax Vantenzin
MGAIAero L-39 Albatros MGAIMark Griggs
MKAIAlenia C-27J Spartan MKAIMiljan Korac
MLKZlin Z 142 MLKUnknown
MPCASA C-212-200 Aviocar Red Beacon MPMorne Pieters
MPAIBritten-Norman BN-2 Trislander Longnose MPAIMichael Pearson
MRAIAirbus Beluga MRAIMehlin Rainer
MVAICessna Citation Mustang MVAIMaxim Vantenzin
NAAIBoeing B707-320 NAAIJuan Sebastian Gonzalez
NBAIBAe Hawk 108 NBAINick Black
OSPATR 42-300 OSPOskari Syynimaa
PAIBritish Aerospace ATP PAIProject AI
PDAIRobin DR400 PDAIPascal Dumat
PSAIDassault Dornier Alpha Jet PSAIPascal Suls
PTAICessna T303 Crusader PTAIPavel Toman
RAILBombardier CRJ1000 RAILAndrew Quintal
RATSIlyushin Il-76 RATSAleksey Rubtsov
RFAIDassault Falcon 2000 RFAIRichard Faith
RWAIAntonov An-2 RWAIRysiek Winawer
SBAIAntonov An-14 SBAISergey Bunevich
SGAIDassault Falcon 200 SGAISean Gregory
SGDIlyushin Il-114 SGDSergey Gleba
SimLandmarksTupolev Tu-154 SimLandmarksSimLandmarks
SKJAntonov An-12 Mil SKJSergey Carr
TBAIAero Commander 690 TBAITodd Bolgrin
TCAIIlyushin Il-62M D-30KU Strobe TCAIEvgeniy Vasilyev
TFSAirbus A300 TFSThe Fruit Stand
UTTBoeing B787-800 UTTUnited Traffic Team
VSAILet L-410 Turbolet VSAIViktor Schacht

Experimental / Summer 2023 Flight Plans
« on: November 22, 2023, 11:04:37 PM »
Flight plans for Summer 2023

Development / Updates August 2023
« on: August 02, 2023, 10:52:31 PM »
The following updates have been added to One Click Repaint today.

Cessna Skyhawk decal is available in both gold and greyscale

Registration backgrounds should now be displayed correctly when reloading livery via the share link
Livery option checkbox status is now saved and should reload correctly for all new paints

Ads have currently been disabled

Other GA / 210 Group
« on: July 05, 2023, 09:02:04 PM »
Repaints for 210 Group
Country: Ireland

Click the relevant download links in the table below.
Registration4K repaintHD repaint4K P3D repaintHD P3D repaintFS9 repaint

Repaint of EI-BUF for the Cessna 210 Centurion payware AI model by Henry Tomkiewicz.
FS9 model available at

Repaints are available in the following formats: 1024 bmp (for FS9), 2048 dds (HD textures for FSX/P3D) and 4096 dds (for high-end computers running FSX/P3D)

Other GA / 2Dive
« on: July 05, 2023, 09:00:55 PM »
Repaints for 2Dive
Country: France

Click the relevant download links in the table below.
Registration4K repaintHD repaint4K P3D repaintHD P3D repaintFS9 repaint

Repaint of F-GJCG for the Cessna 182RG payware AI model by Henry Tomkiewicz.
FS9 model available at

Repaints are available in the following formats: 1024 bmp (for FS9), 2048 dds (HD textures for FSX/P3D) and 4096 dds (for high-end computers running FSX/P3D)

Other GA / 2Bnp Administradora De Bens
« on: July 05, 2023, 09:00:10 PM »
Repaints for 2Bnp Administradora De Bens
Country: Brazil

Click the relevant download links in the table below.
Registration4K repaintHD repaint4K P3D repaintHD P3D repaintFS9 repaint

Repaint of PR-IRB for the Beechcraft C90 AI model (4Blades-PT6A-21-Fin) by Henry Tomkiewicz.
FS9 model available at
FSX model available at
P3Dv4 model available at

Repaints are available in the following formats: 1024 bmp (for FS9), 2048 dds (HD textures for FSX/P3D) and 4096 dds (for high-end computers running FSX/P3D)

Other GA / 2S Avia
« on: July 05, 2023, 08:59:11 PM »
Repaints for 2S Avia
Country: France

Click the relevant download links in the table below.
Registration4K repaintHD repaint4K P3D repaintHD P3D repaintFS9 repaint

Repaint of F-GSSJ for the Diamond DA40 AI model (TDI) by Andras Neuman.
FS9 model available at

Repaints are available in the following formats: 1024 bmp (for FS9), 2048 dds (HD textures for FSX/P3D) and 4096 dds (for high-end computers running FSX/P3D)

Other GA / Acn 003 901 255
« on: July 05, 2023, 08:58:20 PM »
Repaints for Acn 003 901 255
Country: Australia

Click the relevant download links in the table below.
Registration4K repaintHD repaint4K P3D repaintHD P3D repaintFS9 repaint

Repaint of VH-HIR for the Piper PA-28-235 AI model (fairings_anim) by Andras Neuman.
FS9 model available at

Repaints are available in the following formats: 1024 bmp (for FS9), 2048 dds (HD textures for FSX/P3D) and 4096 dds (for high-end computers running FSX/P3D)

Other GA / Aircraft Assemblers Australia
« on: July 05, 2023, 08:57:40 PM »
Repaints for Aircraft Assemblers Australia
Country: Australia

Flight plans available at

Click the relevant download links in the table below.
Registration4K repaintHD repaint4K P3D repaintHD P3D repaintFS9 repaint

Repaint of VH-CJR for the Piper PA-28-181 Archer II AI model (fairings_anim) by Andras Neuman.
FS9 model available at
Repaints of VH-CPF, VH-DDI and VH-UWO for the Piper PA-28-151 Warrior AI model by Pavel Toman.
FS9 model available at
Repaint of VH-FKU for the Piper PA-28-161 Warrior II AI model by Todd Bolgrin.
FSX model available at

Repaints are available in the following formats: 1024 bmp (for FS9), 2048 dds (HD textures for FSX/P3D) and 4096 dds (for high-end computers running FSX/P3D)

Other GA / Aerial Agriculture
« on: July 05, 2023, 08:57:08 PM »
Repaints for Aerial Agriculture
Country: Australia

Click the relevant download links in the table below.
Registration4K repaintHD repaint4K P3D repaintHD P3D repaintFS9 repaint

Repaint of VH-EIP for the Cessna 182 payware AI model (late) by Henry Tomkiewicz.
FS9 model available at

Repaints are available in the following formats: 1024 bmp (for FS9), 2048 dds (HD textures for FSX/P3D) and 4096 dds (for high-end computers running FSX/P3D)

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