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Flight plans for Socri Aero

The following flight plans for Socri Aero are also available:
Multi-weekWinter 2020-21
The most visited airports in these flight plans:
Cannes-Mandelieu Airport (LFMD)12
Montpellier-Méditerranée Airport (LFMT)6
Biarritz-Anglet-Bayonne Airport (LFBZ)2
Faro Airport (LPFR)1
Istres Le Tubé Air Base (LFMI)1
You might also be interested in these flight plans:
Flight planSeason
ENACWinter 2020-21
Salzburg Jet AviationWinter 2020-21
GlobeairWinter 2020-21
Aircraft Guaranty Corp TrusteeSummer 2021
Heron LuftfahrtWinter 2020-21